Quiz Result: The Emotional Eater

Your self-sabotage profile is: The Emotional Eater

Emotional Eater Diet Sabotage

You often find yourself eating mindlessly, especially after a stressful day or event. You use food for emotional comfort. 

You have the best of intentions when it comes to your diet, but you are often derailed by events or occurrences that are seemingly beyond your control.

Stuck in a vicious cycle of wanting to succeed and longing for the relief you seemingly get from certain foods, you just can’t seem to make progress with your health.

How to Deal with Your Inner Emotional Eater


The first step is becoming fully aware of this trait. 

Learn to recognize that emotional eating is often a way to suppress or soothe negative emotions, such as anger, stress, sadness, boredom or loneliness; however,  you may also find yourself eating in response to happy emotions as well.

Recognize that emotions are highly connected to impulsivity, which can often lead to behaviors that can quickly feel out of our control.

Mindset Shift 

The next step is to upgrade your mindset. Change your relationship with food

Find new ways of dealing with stressors in your life. Work, family and events can be huge triggers, but we can learn to handle them appropriately without the use of food.

Food should be enjoyable and not used as a drug to soothe ourselves.

See this as an opportunity to get creative with finding new habits and ways in which to interact with your feelings to better handle the stressors of everyday life.


We are not going to pretend that any of this is easy. You’ve probably tried to change your ways of coping in the past. This can be extremely difficult.

How can you break these patterns? Studies suggest accountability is the most effective way to ensure lasting change. Research shows that incremental habit changing (or habit stacking) is very beneficial in changing the responses of the brain.

We are hard-wired to rely on other people. Even the most independent amongst us still work better with a bit of peer pressure. 

There are many ways to introduce accountability. You could get a diet buddy, join a local community or hire a coach.

Unite with others who are in this battle. Because there is strength in numbers!

And if you want to get all these benefits at once, consider joining our 2023 Holidays Challenge!

Join Us at the Nutrition Hackers Holidays Challenge 2023

Registration is now open for the Nutrition Hackers Holidays Challenge 2023.

The Challenge is designed for people who already follow a metabolically optimal way of eating such as Keto, Carnivore, or Fasting – but struggle to stick to it, especially during the holiday season. 

The Challenge will give you powerful proven transformation methods: accountability, group support, mindset coaching and habits tracking. And will help you stay on track towards your goals for three whole months. 

Early Bird Offer: $200 OFF

We are Amy Labbe and Steph Scheeren – best friends, co-founders of Nutrition Hackers, and qualified nutritional coaches with 24 years of experience between us.

Both of us have come a long way on our personal journeys. Starting from food addiction and disordered eating and experiencing many failures and setbacks along the way. But finally achieving a successful lasting transformation – and now helping others to do the same!

Join the Challenge now for only $99! Over 65% off from the standard course price of $300.

* Offer valid until 25 September 2023

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