Amanda Leah J

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Our creator endowed us each with all we need to live abundantly blissful and free lives. Our role is to reveal and appreciate these wondrous gifts throughout our lifetimes.

I’m Amanda Leah, and I’m blessed to say that with a re-balanced way of eating, focused on Fasting & Animal Based nutrition, after nearly 5 years I am still achieving new insights into health creation, and I am loving living a more joyful experience of life daily.

I am keen, skilled and certified to support your way of eating journey to and through FAB Intuition and full sense wellness.  Together, with nutrient dense “fasting” and “feasting” as our source, we’ll intuitively tap into the EsSense of our wellness, using all our senses – beyond taste, to experience, engage, enhance, engrave and envision the most empowered existence we’re willing to create and live.

Trust me with your authentic vision of life, and I’ll stand by you to advise as needed, then gratefully witness while you transform your reality.

Our creator endowed us each with all we need to live abundantly blissful and free lives. Our role is to reveal and appreciate these wondrous gifts throughout our lifetimes.

I’m Amanda Leah, and I’m blessed to say that with a re-balanced way of eating, focused on Fasting & Animal Based nutrition, after nearly 5 years I am still achieving new insights into health creation, and I am loving living a more joyful experience of life daily.

I am keen, skilled and certified to support your way of eating journey to and through FAB Intuition and full sense wellness.  Together, with nutrient dense “fasting” and “feasting” as our source, we’ll intuitively tap into the EsSense of our wellness, using all our senses – beyond taste, to experience, engage, enhance, engrave and envision the most empowered existence we’re willing to create and live.

Trust me with your authentic vision of life, and I’ll stand by you to advise as needed, then gratefully witness while you transform your reality.

I have come far from what I once believed was a healthy, whole food (85% plant-based) diet, along with the long list of chronic pain, gut & other illnesses that Fibromyalgia (vaccine injury) brings. I pray to soon say the same for each one of my acquaintances, friends and family with metabolically ill, depressed, obese or vegan members, who seem forever focused on disease management.

Experienced with …

Chronic Pain, 
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 
Chronic Vomiting/Nausea & IBS,
Dysmenorrhea (Painful Menstruation),
Temperature Sensitivity/Control,
Exercise Intolerance,  
Weight Loss,
Skin Issues, TMJ (lock jaw) 
Dental issues/sensitivities

Since learning to do better: incorporating intermittent fasting and flipping to an 85-100% animal-based woe, for both my puppy and myself, I’ve been relieved to remain in health creation mode. With my consistent contribution to top nutrition podcasts, influencer clients, and offline communities, I am most proud to boast that I continue to significantly help individuals worldwide apply these tools to yield unimaginable results in theirs, and their loved ones lives.  Join us!

Gd Bless us all.

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